Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 8th

It is now my second day of living on $1.50 a day.  I was a little hungry last night.  Kept wanting to eat something from the pantry and couldn't.  As I was preparing my price list for today, I realized how lucky I am to be able to campare shop.  I have stores that I go to to get great deals that if I were living below the poverty line I probably could not afford to drive to.  For an example, there is a bread store by my place of employment.  It is an oulet.  I get great prices on bread and then if I spend $6, I get a free item.  The last time I went I bought some bread and three 24 packs of hot dog buns for $6.50 and got a 24 pack of bagel thins for free.  So I estimate that the bagels thins are $.05 each.  

My Breakfast was an egg with cheese on a bagel thin.   

The price of this breakfast was $.05 for the bagel, $.12 for the egg and $.07 for the cheese.  I also put some mayonnaise on it, generic brand, 1/2 tablespoon for both slices for $.05.  My breakfast sandwich was $.29.  I will probably eat the same thing tomorrow for breakfast because it was a great meal.

For Lunch,  I ate some ramen $.10.  I also had a coke $.25.  The coke was wonderful, and I might have to eat it again tomorrow just to have another coke.  Lunch cost me $.35.  This brings my total up to $.64.  Leaving me $.74 for supper.  I didn't take a picture.  It was Ramen, we all know what it looks like.  I also got some almonds from a co-worker, but they were free so I didn't count them in my total.  I am not afraid to mooch if it is offered.

For dinner, I got kinda lazy and made pasta and made up a recipe to flavor it up.  They were really good.  I cooked the 85 g pasta according to the directions adding 1/4 of a stock cube.  In a saute pan, I put 1 teaspoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon  sesame seed oil, about 1 teaspoon sesame seeds, and 1/4 teaspoon of dried cilantro.  I turned on the heat to medium and let it heat up and reduce slightly.  When the pasta was done, I drained it and added it to the saute pan and tossed it in the sauce.  It was good.  I would definately make it again. 

 The cost of the pasta was $.29 and I am estimating the cost of the spices at $.20,  for a total of $.49.  Grand total of the day is $1.23.  I am trying to decide what I will snack on this evening.  Something less than $.27 a serving.  Yum!  Tomorrow at work, someone is bringing cupcakes for a birthday.  More free food, yeah for me!!

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